X.W. Gu, X. Ye, D. M. Koshy, S. Vachhani, P. Hosemann, A.P. Alivisatos, “Tolerance to Structural Disorder and Tunable Mechanical Behavior in Polymer-Nanocrystal Superlattices,” In preparation
X. Xia, C. Di Leo, X.W. Gu, J.R. Greer. “in-situ Lithiation-Delithiation of Mechanically Robust Cu-Si Core-Shell Nanolattices in a Scanning Electron Microscope,” ACS Energy Letters, 1 (3), 492-499 (2016)
B.M. Gallant, X.W. Gu, D.Z. Chen, J.R. Greer, N.S. Lewis. “Tailoring of Interfacial Mechanical Shear Strength by Surface Chemical Modification of Silicon Microwires Embedded in Nafion Membranes,” ACS Nano, 9, 5143-5153 (2015)
D. Z. Chen, X. W. Gu, Q. An, W. A. Goddard, J. R. Greer, “Ductility and work hardening in nano-sized metallic glasses,” Applied Physics Letters, 106, 061903 (2015)
X. W. Gu, J. R. Greer. “Ultra-strong Architected Cu Meso-lattices,” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2, 7-14 (2015)
X. W. Gu, M. J. Zadeh, D. Z. Chen, Z. X. Wu, Y. W. Zhang, D. J. Srolovitz, J. R. Greer. “Mechanisms of Failure in Nanoscale Metallic Glass,” Nano Letters, 14, 5858-5864 (2014)
R. Liontas, X.W. Gu, E. Fu, Y. Wang, N. Li, N. Mara, J.R. Greer, “Effects of Helium Implantation on the Tensile Properties and Microstructure of Ni73P27 Metallic Glass Nanostructures,” Nano Letters, 14, 5176-5183 (2014)
X. W. Gu, Z. X. Wu, Y. W. Zhang, D. J. Srolovitz, J. R. Greer. “Microstructure vs. Flaw: Mechanisms of Failure and Strength in Nanostructures,” Nano Letters, 13, 5703-5709 (2013).
X. W. Gu, C. N. Loynachan, Z. X. Wu, Y. W. Zhang, D. J. Srolovitz, J. R. Greer. “Size Dependent Deformation of Nanocrystalline Platinum Nanopillars,” Nano Letters, 12, 6385-6392 (2012).
J. R. Greer, D. Jang, X. W. Gu. “Exploring Deformation Mechanisms in Nanostructured Materials,” JOM, 64, 1241-1252 (2012).
X. W. Gu, N. Shadmi, T. S. Yarden, H. Cohen and E. Joselevich. “Photoconductive CdSe Nanowire Arrays, Serpentines and Loops Formed by Electrodeposition on Self-Organized Carbon Nanotubes,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116, 20121-20126 (2012).
J. Y. Kim, X. Gu, M. Wraith, J. T. Uhl, K. A. Dahmen, J. R. Greer. “Suppression of Catastrophic Failure in Metallic Glass-Polyisoprene Nanolaminate Containing Nanopillars,” Advanced Functional Materials. 22, 1972-1980 (2012).
R. Y. Wang, J. P. Feser, X. Gu, K. M. Yau, R. A. Segalman, A. Majumdar, D. J. Milliron, J. J. Urban. “A Universal and Solution-Processable Precursor to Bismuth Chalcogenide Thermoelectrics,” Chem. Mater. 22, 1943-1945 (2012).
B. D. Olsen, X. Gu, A. Hexemer, E. Gann, R. A. Segalman. “Liquid Crystalline Orientation of Rod Blocks Within Lamellar Nanostructures from Rod-Coil Diblock Copolymers,” Macromolecules, 43, 6531-6534 (2010).